去香港地區出差的13個注意事項出差 去香港地區出差的13個注意事項   去香港地區出差的13個注意事項 這些出差小貼士不是聯合國本身的文件,而是委託負責安全的專業國際機構所提供的建議,供職員出差時參考。


比如一位網友就提醒我說,「還有兩條最重要,——這兩條上太隨便,,可能被報警或遭合法地槍擊.:一是餐館旅店等相對封閉的公共場所不能大聲喧嘩;二是在社區街道(道路兩旁是住宅)的走路,只能走在行人邊道上(很窄), 千萬不能走進草坪和花園, 或業主的私人道路上去。



     今天介紹去香港地區出差的13個注意事項,「一般性文化注意事項」有5點:      (1)Avoid the colors blue and white for social functions and gifts, as they are the Chinese colors for mourning(在社交場合送禮時,避免藍色、白色的禮物,因為這些顏色在中國常用於葬禮).      (2)Avoid physical contact, such as patting people on the shoulder. It will not be appreciated(避免身體接觸,比如拍對方肩膀,這是失禮行為).      (3)If invited to a home, you should bring fruit, candy or cookies. Present the gift with both hands. Avoid the following as gifts: clocks (symbolize death), books (a curse to lose for gamblers) and blankets (stifle prosperity)(應邀去主人家做客時,可以帶水果、糖或者餅乾作為禮物,送禮時用雙手遞上。

送禮時避免以下物品:鐘表(象徵死亡)、書籍(標誌失敗)、床罩(罩住財路)).      (4)Although women may cross their legs, men should sit with both feet on the floor and their hands in their laps (雖然女人坐下時可以翹腿,但男人坐下時雙腳都要著地,雙手放在膝蓋上).      (5)In younger generations, traditions have become less strict and more westernized(青年人比較西化,比較少受傳統文化影響).      「商務文化注意事項」有8點:      (1)Handshakes when greeting and before leaving are customary. After the initial handshake, business cards are presented with both hands on the card. Carefully read the card before putting it away(在見面和分別是握手致意。

初次見面握手之後交換名片,用雙手遞上,認真閱讀名片之後收好).      (2)The Hong Kong, SAR Chinese should be addressed by their professional title (or Mr., Mrs., Miss) followed by their surname(在香港特別行政區的中國人稱呼他人使用職稱加姓氏,或者先生、小姐).      (3)Appointments should be made as far in advance as possible(約會盡量提前確定).      (4)Punctuality is very important and demonstrates respect(守時非常重要,是對他人的尊重).      (5)Business dress for both men and women should be conservative. Men should wear a dark-toned suit, while women are expected to wear either a dress or a skirt and a blouse(商務著裝無論男女都偏保守。

男士著深色西裝,女士一般著套裝,或者裙、褲).      (6)Negotiations in Hong Kong, SAR are normally very slow with much attention to detail. The same negotiating team should be kept throughout the proceedings(在香港特別行政區,商務談判一般進展緩慢,注重細節。

在整個談判進程中不要更換談判團隊的成員).      (7)Tea will be served during the negotiations. Always accept and wait for the host to begin drinking before you partake(談判中上茶時,一定要表示接受,等待主人開始喝茶時再開始喝).      (8)Be aware that a yes may just be indicating that the person heard you rather than indicating agreement. A traditional Hong Kong, SAR Chinese business person will have a difficult time saying no directly(注意談判中對方如果說yes,那麼一般是指對方聽懂了你的話,而不是表示同意。

香港行政特區的中國人一般不喜歡直接說no). 資料來源: 新浪網

參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1712010688691 出差

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