請高手幫忙中文翻譯成英文勿翻譯器謝謝你?英文翻譯器 請高手幫忙~中文翻譯成英文~勿翻譯器~謝謝你? 我很抱歉,在我餐廳遇到這種事,因為我們的員工沒把食材處理好,所以才會讓您食物中毒,我們已經有懲罰那個員工,並會公開道歉,對於你們損傷,我們會賠償給你十萬元的賠償金,感謝妳沒跟媒體說,對於我們的疏失,我們餐廳會改善,謝謝你的提醒與支持,祝你早日康復。

不推卸責任 員工的疏失 部分也是主管的錯my revised version:Dear Sir,We apologize sincerely for our mistake, which caused you unpleasant food poisoning. We will have more restrict process of serving food to provide best quality of meal and food safety for our customers. We appreciate that you did not connect media and left us a chance to reflect on our mistake and modify the food management without the disturbance from outside. For our deepest apology and gratitude, please accept NT100,000 for your uncomfortableness physically and mentally. Hope to see you again in our restaurant to enjoy our excellent service.Best,XXX
I'm really sorry what happen to you in my restraurant, because our employees did not handle the food appropriately, we have already punishes the staff, and we will make an apologise to you in public, as for the damages caused, we will compensate you with ten thousand dollars remedy, I'm really thankful that you did not go to the media, as for our clareless action, we will improve, and thank you for the reminding and support, hope you can get well soon.
to 發問者:因為我以為--你的收件者應該是native English speaker所以我覺得這樣的英文是okay to the recipienton the contrary, 如果你的信是要寫給非英語為母語的人當然了 如你所說 我的翻譯對收信 人是太"專業"了
Besides, 我不是讀商科的

祝你早日康復 英文,祝你早日康復 日文,祝你早日康復 韓文,祝你早日康復 翻譯,祝你早日康復英文翻譯,祝你早日康復 韓,祝你早日康復的英文怎麼說祝你早日康復,高手,食物中毒,推卸責任,unpleasant food poisoning,apologize sincerely,Hope to see you again,restrict,員工,deepest apology


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1008122600207 英文翻譯器

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