評論幫我翻譯一下這首英文歌 翻譯器翻的超怪!!英文翻譯器 《評論》幫我翻譯一下這首英文歌 翻譯器翻的超怪!! Step up to me step up to me快點來我這(照過來照過來)You wanna be a big time player its not to be你想成為(big time player不太清楚是什麼)是不可能的Look at all the snide ass actin like a wise ass看那些奸詐的傢伙裝得像個聰明人I'll ***** up your face, and you'll never look back我會 XXXX 你的臉,你也不會後悔[Chorus]So when you fall to the ground and finally get back toreality,所以當你跌倒(失敗)最後才回到現實Looking around,到處看So tell me how does it feel to be the enemy告訴我當我的敵人是怎樣的感覺look at your name, look at your face看你的名字,看看你的臉funny your a loser with only yourself to blame好笑的是你是個輸家卻只能怪自己Catch ya *****ing hand now, standing on a stand now, 現在抓住你的****手站到台上去Wanna be like me 'cause I'm real so you steal on your wayto fame想要學我因為我是真的所以在偷學我好幫助你成名Never gonna be never gonna see永遠不可能也不想看到Your name on the lights you can always dream what yourgonna be你的名字在燈光下, 你可以夢見你將來會做什麼Clean up my *****...sucker (unemployment)把我的****青乾淨,sucker (幫人家吹的)罵人廢物用的.unemployment=失業?[Chorus 2x](Step) Step up to meStep up to me(Step)[Chorus 2x](Your the enemy)Step up to me (What) step up to me(what)Step up to me step up to meYou wanna be a big time player it's not to be自己翻的..= =加強中...

參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1707102110335 英文翻譯器

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