!! 英文高手 幫忙翻譯>< 不要用翻譯器英文翻譯器 20點!! 英文高手 幫忙翻譯>< 不要用翻譯器 急需 !! 拜託ㄌ 明天就要交ㄌ奧運五色環,藍、黃、黑、綠、紅,它代表全世界的五大洲,現在已連結在一起,它代表著奧林匹克友誼的精神及全世界運動員之間的平等,也象徵著五大洲的團結。



Muller's Olympic ring, blue, yellow, black, green, red, which represents the five continents of the world, now together, it represents the Olympic spirit of friendship and equality among athletes in the world, but also symbolizes the five continents Unity. Stressed that the Olympic spirit of mutual understanding, friendship, solidarity and fair treatment from their own cultural prejudices against race, religion, politics, gender or other reason for any country or individual in any form of discrimination to the broad-minded citizen of the world, Tolerance, respect and appreciate the culture. In this sacred no matter Games athletes and spectators have to embrace respect and appreciate the attitude that when athletes victory, we should be applauded, the failure of the athletes, we should applaud loudly, he appreciates the efforts - for the failure of success The mother - can do to promote a culture of reconciliation, but also enrich the spirit of the Olympics.

萬能運動員,運動員宣誓,運動員飲食,運動員 英文,運動員的營養補充,運動員禁藥,運動員最高年薪,運動員心跳,全能運動員,運動員年薪運動員,奧運五色環,奧林匹克友誼,奧林匹克精神,英文,高手,ㄌ 明天,全世界,拍手叫好,applaud loudly


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1508091808548 英文翻譯器

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