中翻譯成英文 請不要用翻譯器英文翻譯器 中翻譯成英文 (請不要用翻譯器) 請各位大大幫我翻譯成英文內容如下 謝謝~~~~ (請不要用翻譯器) 謝謝了很高興可以在英國認識你雖然相處的機會不多但對我來說你是一個很好的人我很喜歡你希望有機會你可以來台灣我很樂意當你的導遊還有我今天晚上的飛機回台灣...真的希望有一次還能見到你
It is nice to meet you in England.Although we don't have much time getting along with each other,You are a great person for me.I like you very much.I hope you have the chace to visit Taiwan.I am happy to be your guide.My flight is leaving to Taiwan tonight....really hope to meet you once again. 參考資料 my brain
Although we didn't get much time spending together, I'm so glad to meet you in the U.K. (U.K.=United Kingdom英國) (England英格蘭)You are a very nice person to me.I like you very much.Hope you can visit Taiwan some day.I would love to be the host to show you around.My flight back to Taiwan takes off this evening.Hope to see you again soon.
很高興可以在英國認識你I was really happy to meet you in England.雖然相處的機會不多Although we didn't hang out a lot,但對我來說你是一個很好的人to me you are a really nice person.我很喜歡你I really like you.希望有機會你可以來台灣Hopefully you can visit Taiwan if there is chance.我很樂意當你的導遊I will be happy to be your tour guide.還有我今天晚上的飛機回台灣...Also, my plane will fly back to Taiwan....真的希望有一次還能見到你I really hope I will still see you again.全文I was really happy to meet you in England.Although we didn't hang out a lot,to me you are a really nice person.I really like you.Hopefully you can visit Taiwan if there is chance.I will be happy to be your tour guide.Also, my plane will fly back to Taiwan....I really hope I will still see you again.希望幫到
I am glad to meet you in England, although we don't have much time to meet each other, but I am sure you are a nice person, I like you.I hope there is a chance for you to come and visit Taiwan, and I would be happy to be your guide.And tonight I will be flying back to Taiwan, and I hope to see you once more.
It's been a great pleasure getting to know you in Britain.To me, you are a very nice guy even though we did not spend much time together. I like you very much.Hope you will come to visit me in Taiwan sometime. I will be glad to be your guide.*這邊用 sometime 會比較好表示近期未來的任何時候只要他有空Furthermore, I am flying back to Taiwan tonight, I hope we will meet again.假如你要說在上飛機之前在見一面請將"I hope we will meet again"改成"I hope we can meet again before I go."-------------------------------------------------------------------cheers
很高興可以在英國認識你雖然相處的機會不多但對我來說你是一個很好的人我很喜歡你I'm very glad to met you in Britain. Though there are few chances to get along. But you are a very good person for me. I like you very much. 希望有機會你可以來台灣我很樂意當你的導遊Hope you can come to Taiwan if there is an opportunity. I am very willing to be your guide. 還有我今天晚上的飛機回台灣...真的希望有一次還能見到你I will take the plane tonight and go back to Taiwan ... Really hope to see you again. *此為正確之翻譯,提供參考~
Very glad to know you in Britain Though there are few chances to get along But you are a very good person for me I like you very much Hope that you can come to Taiwan if there is an opportunity I am very willing as your guide There is my plane of tonight that goes back to Taiwan ...Really hope to see you
England 只是英國其中的一個島翻英國應該用 the U.K. 或是 Britain 或是 the Great Britain

英文歌,英文名字,英文翻譯,英文自我介紹,英文自傳,英文字典,英文單字,英文諺語,英文髒話,學英文英文,nice to meet you,對我來說,英國,翻譯器,台灣,我很樂意,還有我,along with,I like you


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1009082602007 英文翻譯器

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