英文物品介紹 中翻英 不要翻譯器的英文翻譯器 英文物品介紹 中翻英 (不要翻譯器的) 哈囉大家好,今天我想介紹的是一本樂譜,這本樂譜已經跟著我從國中到現在有五年的時間了,他的背後有著一位我非常喜歡的教授的簽名,裡面的每一張樂譜也都有著努力的痕跡,這本樂譜也跟我到過馬來西亞以及其他很多的地方表演,所以每當我看到這本樂譜我就會想起當年表演的點點滴滴以及一起表演的夥伴們,這本樂譜也幫我贏了許多冠軍,儘管他現在已經有點舊了,我還是非常的珍惜他。

-----1.要用英文介紹請幫我中翻英 不要網路翻譯器的喔2.這樣講完應該會有兩分鐘吧 ??
Hello everybody, today I would like to introduce you a music score. This music score has followed me for five years, from secondary school till now. In the back of this music score has my favourite professor 's signiture. Every score inside has the mark of my hard-working. This music score has also been to Malaysia and many other places with me for performance. Every time I see this music score, I remember ther performance places and the other participants in every year 's competition. This music score also helps me to win lots of championships. Although this musci score is old now, I still treasure it a lot.
Hello everybody,today I want to introduce is a music, this music was already having five year with me from the country to the present, it behind has professor's signature which I like, inside each music also has the trace diligently, this music also has been to Malaysian as well as other many place performance with me, whenever therefore I saw the partners which in the past this music I will think about performed the intravenous drip which as well as perform together, this music also helped me to win many champions, although he already a little had been now old, I veryTreasures its.

英文歌,英文名字,英文翻譯,英文自我介紹,英文自傳,英文字典,英文單字,英文諺語,英文髒話,學英文英文,樂譜,馬來西亞,would like to introduce,物品,secondary school till now,中翻英,I remember ther,翻譯器,以及其他


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1609031506938 英文翻譯器

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