徵求英文高手!短文英翻中,不要網頁翻譯器!英文翻譯器 徵求英文高手!短文英翻中,不要網頁翻譯器! 下文請幫我英翻中絕對不要網頁翻譯器翻的要文法正確語句流暢~拜託時間過的好快!不知不覺我們已經攜手走過566個日子。




時間過的好快!Time goes by so fast!不知不覺我們已經攜手走過566個日子。

we've been through 566 days together hands by hands.如果不是你,If without you我不知道怎麼走過那些痛苦。

I don't know how to pass those hurtness.遇見你,meeting you,是我這一生最幸運的事情。

Is the luckiess things of my whole life.謝謝你忍耐了這麼多,thank you for your patient,我的任性、我的不完整,my stubborn my imperfection,能夠當你的公主我真的好幸福。

being your princess was such a happiness.看著你不畏寒風大雨的從淡水跑到石牌,seeing you unafraid of wind nor rain from here to there就為了買我想吃的巧克力布朗尼just because I want to eat chocolate brownies365天全年無休的溫馨接送365days no rest giving me warm從不讓我自己拿包包、提重物you always carry thing for me關心我吃飯了沒?穿暖了嗎?caring me eat or not? caring me did I wear enough?你給的things that you gave me雖然實際不浪漫Is truly not romanitic卻每一件事都讓我甜進心裡but everything was a sweet memory in my heart我會一直記得I'll always remember我生病發燒時你細心的照顧When I got a fever your good care在人潮中你握緊我的手In crowds you tightly hold my hand寒冷的冬風裡你溫暖的懷抱your warm hug during the winter wind就這樣牽著我的手ㄧ起幸福下去吧like this hold my hand and brings happiness 過幾年一起環島旅行go to trip together around taiwan然後then老了的時候when we are old enough我們再一起牽手散步we'll hold our hand again for a walk一起拿起相本跟回憶喝下午茶take a photoalbum and memories for a good afternoon tea還要說我們的愛情故事and says more our love story給我們孩子和孩子的孩子聽for our children and grandchild and grandgrandchilds to heard."一個關於你和我的童話故事"a fairytale between you and me 參考資料 myself
Time goes by so fast!
How time flies so fast! Unconsciously we have been together for 566 days. If not for you, I do not know how to walk that pain. Meet you The luckiest of my life thing. Thank you so much patience, My wayward, I do not complete That when your princess I'm so happy. Look at you afraid of the cold water run from the rain Shipai, I want to to buy a chocolate brownie 365 days a year-round warm Shuttle Never let me put up their own bags, heavy lifting I do not care about dinner? Clothe it? You give While the actual non-romantic Everything was sweet into my heart I will always remember Careful when we get sick I take care of your In a crowd you hold my hand Cold winter winds, the warmth of your embrace Just hold my hand ㄧ go on from the well-being A few years traveling around the island with Then Old time Let us walk together hand in hand Picked up compared with the memories of the afternoon tea with Would also like to say that our love story To our children and children's children to listen 聆聽

布朗尼蛋糕,巧克力布朗尼,布朗尼食譜,布朗尼 英文,布朗尼熱量,布朗尼做法,布朗尼作法,布朗尼咖啡餐廳,好吃的布朗尼,布朗尼蛋糕店布朗尼,網頁,英文,孩子,tightly hold my hand,英翻中,我不知道,good afternoon,全年無休


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1511012600649 英文翻譯器

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