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願你 一切美好   學生Annie 敬上




願你 一切美好   學生Annie 敬上 Teacher:How do you do!You want us to write a believes to you, I want originally to write with the E-mail to you, feeling however the expression does not pay my intention, so decide to write by hand of to you, teacher!Remember grade five are we a cognitive time just?All very unfamiliar each other, I really disliked very much before up the English language class, but like on the contrary now up English, we had a class to always ask for you very before angry, now was total and will work hard of hear the teacher, you had a class the content of the inside, fearing to leave out one word one language deeply, While sometimes taking lessons, will feel very vexed, but always will remind of the teacher one of your words now"as long as you have to progress again, is the best gift to me!"Aring this words is willing to let me learn EnglishStill say the not over words to the teacher.Wish your ll fine student Annie Yours faithfully,s

Teacher: Hello! 您要我們寫一封信給您,我原本想用電子郵件寫給您,可是覺得表達不出我的心意,所以決定用手寫的給您,老師!

You want us to write a letter to you, I originally want to write to you with the E-mail, but think that can not express my compliment, so decide what writes with hands is given to you, teacher! 記得五年級我們剛認識的時候嗎? When we just knew in grade five? 彼此都很陌生,我以前真的很討厭上英文課,但現在反而喜歡上英文,以前我們上課總把您惹的很生氣,現在總會很努力的聽老師您上課裡頭的內容,深怕漏掉一字一語,有時去補習時,會覺得很煩,但現在總會想起老師您的一句話「只要你有再進步,對我來說就是最好的禮物了!

」 Very strange each other, I really disliked having the English lesson very much in the past, but come to like English instead now, it is very angry whom you make always for us not to have a class in the past, work hard always now listen to content to give a lesson the inside, you of teacher, afraid of missing one word and one language deeply, while going to make up sometimes, will feel very irritated, but always remember your a word of a teacher now ' only you progress again, it is the best present to me! '. 就是這一句話讓我肯去學英文對老師還是有說不完的話。

This sentence makes me willing to study English to have endless words to talk to the teacher. 願你 一切美好   學生Annie 敬上 Wish you Everything is beautiful Students Annie truly yours
Hello, Teacher,You want us to write you a letter. In the beginning, I wanted to send my mail via , but it cannot show my sincerity, so I decided to write it myself. Teacher, do you remember when we first met in my fifth grade? We didn't know each other then. I used to hate English classes, but now I love it. We used to make you very upset in class, but now we pay all our attention to you, because we won't miss a word you say. Sometimes when I go to cram school, I feel so bored. And your words would ring in my ear, "As long as you make progress, it is the best gift for me." It's the words that keep me going on learning English.There is still so much I want to tell you.With Best Wishes,Student, Annie
老師沒有人直翻teacher的吧,teacher 是指職業,指”教師”, 在英文信裡寫Sir就好了啊!

開頭直接寫Dear Sir!

英文歌,英文名字,英文翻譯,英文自我介紹,英文自傳,英文字典,英文單字,英文諺語,英文髒話,學英文英文,老師,電子郵件,Annie 敬上,Annie,寫一封信,English,on the contrary,vexed,unfamiliar each other


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1405123016210 英文翻譯器

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