英文 翻譯不要使用翻譯器, 謝謝英文翻譯器 英文 翻譯..不要使用翻譯器, 謝謝 您好!我們於4/8以Fedex寄出樣品給您,寄單號碼是12345678,再煩請您收到後幫忙確認.還有上星期四與您的會議非常愉快.謝謝您蒞臨敝公司.煩請幫我翻譯...謝謝, 感激~~
親愛的大頭你好~以下是我幫你做出的英文翻譯:---------------------------------Dear XXX, (對方名字或是公司名稱)We have sent out our sample on the 8th of April via FedEx Courier. The invoice number is 12345678. Please check the item when you recieved it. However, It was a great pleasure meeting with you last Thursday.Thank you for coming to our company.Kind regards,XXX (名字或是公司名稱)希望能幫到你喔^^ 參考資料 英國待六年的我
Dear Mr. /Ms. :We sent you the sample by Fedex on April 8th. The FedEx packing tracking number is 12345678.Please confirmafter youreceive.Also, it was very pleasant meeting with you last Thursday.Many thanksfor visiting our company.
Dear Sir,We sent you our samples through Fedex on April 8th. The tracking number is 12345678. Please check it after you receive it. Andwe felt pleased having meeting with you last Tursday.Thanks for your visiting us.Best regards,
您好!我們於4/8以Fedex寄出樣品給您,寄單號碼是12345678,再煩請您收到後幫忙確認.還有上星期四與您的會議非常愉快.謝謝您蒞臨敝公司.Dear Sir/Ma'am:Please be advised thata set of our sample has been mailed to you via FedEx, with package tracking No. 12345678. Please kindly confirmyour receipt once it's arrived in your hands. We felt that our meeting last Thursday was very pleasant, and thank you once again for visiting our company.Sincerely,(Your name/company)

謝謝英文縮寫,謝謝英文簡寫,謝謝英文怎麼拼,非常謝謝 英文,謝謝 英文翻譯,謝謝英文單字,我很好 謝謝 英文,謝謝英文句子,謝謝英文怎拼,謝謝英文簡稱謝謝英文,Fedex,英文,公司名稱,翻譯器,FedEx Courier,April,Dear,煩請,sample


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1510042510927 英文翻譯器

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