請幫我翻成英文 !! 別用網路翻譯器 感恩英文翻譯器 請幫我翻成英文 !! (別用網路翻譯器 感恩) 請幫我翻成英文別用翻譯器感謝〝青春期〞是人一生中的黃金時期.處於〝青春期〞的青少年常遇到許多煩惱.例如 課業壓力,人際問題,外在條件...很多人怕考不上理想學校,而每天都去補習班補習,甚至熬夜讀書,導致壓力很大睡眠不足.有些人則是不懂得如何與人相處,遭到排擠而對人產生恐懼 .在青春期每個人都很注重自己的外在,就連男生都會隨身攜帶梳子.因為大家都想讓自己心儀的人看到自己最好的一面.由於現在的青少年都不太懂得如何運用金錢,也長花了許多錢在自己的打扮上,不知道父母賺錢的辛苦,有時還會因為零用錢跟父母吵架,
The adolesence is an important period in lifetime.The teenagers in their adolescence often encounter many troubles, such as pressures from school works,orrelationship, outer conditions, and so on.Many people worry about they won't be accepted bythecolleges, and attend the cram schools, even stay up learning, whichcause themso stressed as tosuffer insomnia.And others do not have the ideas how to get along with other people, and further fear about the publics because they are pushed outfroma group.Everyone intheadolescenceistakinghis or herappearance seriously, and even the boys carry the combs with them.Because everyone wantsownadoring one to catch sight of his or her best part of his or hers.As a result,all the teens don'tcompletely know how to make use of their money, and spend much money on their make-ups or appearances.Not knowing how hard their parentsearn money, sometimes they still argue with parents fortheir allowance.可能翻的不是很好 請笑納^^ 參考資料 自己
大概是這樣吧〝the puberty〞 is in person life the gold time. Is in 〝the puberty〞 young people often to meet many worries. For example academic pressure, interpersonal question, external condition… Many people feared that does not test the ideal school, but goesto the supplementary class to enroll in supplementary lessons every day, even stays up late to study, causes the pressure very big sleep to be insufficient. Some people did not understand how to be together with the human, encounters pushes aside, but has the fear to the human. Very much pays great attention own external in puberty each people, the male student can the body carrying comb. Because everybody wants to admire oneself the human sees oneself best one side. How because present's young people not too do understand using the money, also long has spent many money in own appearance, did not know the parents make money labor, sometimes also because the pocket money will quarrel with the parents, 希望有幫到你
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後青春期的詩,男生青春期,青春期女生發育,後青春期的詩歌詞,女生青春期,青春期幾歲,青春期發育,青春期減肥,青春期痘痘,青春期長高青春期,英文,get along with,青少年,argue,網路,important period,worry about,翻譯器,make use of


參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1011041702850 英文翻譯器

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