自我介紹翻譯英文我不要網路翻譯器之類的英文翻譯器 自我介紹翻譯英文(我不要網路翻譯器...之類的) 我先說~我希望可以是自己會翻的因為用網路翻譯或是其他類似的翻出來都很怪所以拜託不要!!!!!!!可以大概的翻~大家好,我叫xxx,今年17歲剛從苗栗高商國貿科畢業。





Hello everyone,My name is xxx and I am 17 years old.I just graduated fromNational Miaoli Senior Commercial Vocational School.My major is International Trade.從小父母對於我的言行舉止都要求很嚴,所以很多事我們都不須他們叮嚀我也可以做的好。

My parents have been very strict about my behaviorever since I was a child,so I can do many things by myself,and don't need them to remind me.我的個性是一個比較直接的人,雖然我覺得這是一個缺點但有時候也許這樣才好,因為可以很完全的表達自己I am a straightforward person.Although I think this is a shortcoming,but sometimes it might be a good thing,because I can completely express myself.還有我也是一個樂觀看事的人,因為我覺得沒有人可以一帆風順所以挫折是可以讓我學的更多,我覺得最重要的是旁人給我的鼓勵與支持,這是讓我更有向前的動力。

Also I have an optimistic attitude,because it's impossible to be lucky all the time,and each frustration gives me a lesson to learn more.I think the most important thing isthe encourage and support from other people,which give me the energy to keep going forward.讓我收穫最多的是苗栗高商的在學期間,原本對國貿科一點都不了解而且也沒有太大興趣,但是經過這麼長時間的接觸,其實很驚訝我怎麼會對國貿產生如此大的興趣,The study in the vocational school benefits me the most.At first, I had no idea of international trade,and I was not interested in it.But after studying it for some time,It turns out that I am indeed surprisedhow I find it so interesting now.所以再經過一番考慮之後,我很確定自己真的想繼續下去,而且再怎麼困難還是要堅持下去,因為我是一個一但我決定了,我就不輕易放棄。

So, after some consideration,I am quite sure that I really like to continue,and I will stick to it no matter how difficult it would be,because I am a person who does not give up easily.( That's all, thank you for listening. )
Everybody is good, I call xxx, this year 17 years old just the trade branch graduated from Miaoli Gao Shangguo. The parents request regarding mine words and deeds manner to be very strict since childhood, therefore very many matters we cannot they urge good which I may also do. My individuality is a quite direct person, although I thought that this is a shortcoming sometimes perhaps like this is but good, because may very complete express itself also to have me is also looks at matter's person optimistically, because I think nobody to be possible problem-free, therefore the setback is may let me study are more, I thought that most importantly other people with support for mine encouragement, this is lets me have the power forward. The one who lets me harvest are most is Miaoli Gao Shang in the semester, does not understand originally to a country trade branch spot moreover also does not have the too big interest, but passes through the such long time the contact, actually will be very surprised I how to have the so big interest to the country trade, after will therefore undergo a consideration again, I very definite really wants to continue, how moreover to be again difficult must insist that because I will be one one, but I have decided that I not easily will give up.

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參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1010062603840 英文翻譯器

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