請幫忙做英文翻譯 用翻譯器翻譯者請回英文翻譯器 請幫忙做英文翻譯 用翻譯器翻譯者請回 1.現在的青少年都沉浸在父母的溺愛之下2.現在的青少年動不動就將不能體罰掛在嘴邊3.現在的青少年脾氣都變很差無法接受任何挫折,價值觀念和以前差很多34.試著引導他們解決問題,師長們的讚美就是最好的鼓勵可以幫忙翻譯嗎?
1.Currently a lot of young people are loved by their parents blindly and excessively. 2.Currently young people are apt to open their mouths with saying “Physical punishment is not allowed”.3.Currently young people have had such a worse disposition as not able to accept any setbacks, the sense of values differs from a previous generation, too. 4.Try to guide them so as to solve problems, their parent’s (proper) praise is the best encouragement for them.
1. The young people are now immersed in the doting parents under 2. The young people now will not always talk about corporal punishment 3. The young people now have become very bad temper, can not accept any setbacks, values, and a lot worse 34. Try to guide them to solve the problem, teachers are encouraged to praise is the best

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參考資料:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=1609051411105 英文翻譯器

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